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On-Campus Student Employment at Saint Xavier University


Student Employment

Student employment positions help students meet the financial needs of pursuing their academic goals while gaining pre-professional experience. Positions are designed to help students develop transferable skills valued by employers after graduation. Student workers are essential to the operations of the University and work in nearly all of the functional areas on campus.

Benefits of Student Employment at SXU

  • Financial Support: Provides students with income to help them afford tuition, textbooks, housing and other necessities.
  • Skill Development: Working while in school helps students develop life skills such as time management, communication, teamwork, problem-solving and professionalism. Dealing with deadlines and juggling multiple responsibilities will help students build skills to help them in their academic and career journeys.
  • Professional Experience: Offers students the opportunity to work in a professional setting such as an office, the library or the radio station. It provides hands-on experience in real-world settings.
  • Networking Opportunities: Working with staff members and professionals helps students build connections. These relationships allow students to have mentors that provide life, academic and career advice. Networking opens doors for new opportunities.
  • Career Exploration: Students can explore different positions across campus to gain exposure in a variety of career fields, organizational cultures and job positions.
  • Sense of Independence and Responsibility: Having a job while studying instills a sense of independence and responsibility in students. They can develop skills in decision-making, finance and goal setting. This will help them enhance their academic journeys and prepare them to take on full-time careers. It allows personal and professional growth.
  • Enhance Resume/CV: The student employment experience will allow students to build their resumes, making them more competitive candidates in their field. It also helps them gain credible references to list when applying for jobs.

where do students work on campus?

Student employees work in nearly all areas across the University, including but not limited to:

  • Accounting
  • Admission
  • Art and Design
  • Athletics
  • Biology
  • Building and Grounds
  • Campus Ministry
  • Career Development Center
  • Center for Accessibility Resources
  • Center for Learning and Student Support
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Counseling Center
  • Facilities
  • Financial Aid
  • Graham School of Management
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Library
  • Mailroom
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Public Safety
  • Records and Registration
  • Residence Life
  • Student Advising Center
  • Student Life
  • Student Media
  • TRIO
  • University Relations


Student Eligibility

  • Students must be admitted and pursuing a degree at Saint Xavier University.
  • Students must be enrolled in at least six credit hours in a given semester to be eligible to work on campus.
  • Students must be U.S. citizens, U.S. Nationals, U.S. permanent residents, or other eligible non-citizens with a valid I-94 arrival/departure record with an approved designation.
  • The majority of positions at Saint Xavier University do require Federal Work Study eligibility.


What is a Federal Work Study (FWS)?

  • Federal Work Study is a financial aid program that offers students a financial award funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Students can earn this award money by working on campus.
  • To qualify for FWS, students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and be determined eligible.
    • What is FAFSA? FAFSA is a form completed by current and prospective college students in the United States to determine their eligibility for federal financial aid.
  • Once Federal Work Study funds are completely exhausted, students must discontinue working from on-campus FWS student positions.

 Girl in business atire smiling for a picture

How to Obtain Federal Work Study Eligibility

  • The following instructions will only apply to students who attend Saint Xavier University. All SXU Students have access to the mySXU portal.
    • What is the mySXU portal? The portal offers admitted students, current students, faculty and staff access to University resources and important announcements. mySXU is the starting point for access to University online tools, such as the NeoEd HR System and Self-Service.
  • Log in to the mySXU Portal and select Self-Service.
  • On the left side, select Financial Information and then Financial Aid.
  • Select My Awards and from there, you will be able to view and accept your Federal Work Study Employment Eligibility Award.

For questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at finaidFREESXU.

Resources for Students who do not Have Federal Work Study

  • On-campus positions that do not require Federal Work Study typically include tutors, writing consultants, learning assistants, and various mentors.

Where to Apply for On-Campus Jobs

  • Students must check to see if they have Federal Work Study eligibility (FWS).
  • Students can create an account and apply for on-campus job positions through the SXU Employment Opportunities webpage.
    • Creating an account will require an email address, username, and password.
    • For further instructions on creating an account, finding and applying for a job, or checking your application status, please visit the Employment Opportunities support page.
  • Students can isolate on-campus employment opportunities on the Employment Opportunities webpage by using the filter option to select job category and then checking the box for student employment.
  • Please update your application each semester that you apply for positions.
  • After applying, if a student has been offered a position, they will receive an email notification.
    • Students will then log in to their SXU Employment Opportunities account to accept their offer letter.
    • Students are not considered hired until they accept their offer letter.
  • Positions will be posted approximately one month before the start of each academic semester.

Student Employment Supervisors

Student employment supervisors play a crucial role in the development and management of student workers at Saint Xavier University. Supervisors help create a productive and supportive work environment that fosters professional growth while balancing the academic and personal needs of student employees. 
Supervisors offer student support through:
  • Recruitment and Hiring
  • Training and Orientation
  • Professional Work Experience
  • Performance Management
  • Scheduling and Work Hours
  • Support and Mentorship
  • Compliance and Administration
  • Career Development
Supervisors may access additional help resources in the Student Employment Supervisors SharePoint site or contact studentjobsFREESXU for additional assistance.

Onboarding and Training for Hired Student workers

  • Once students accept their offer letters, they will be prompted to complete their new-hire onboarding tasks and training directly through the online NeoEd HR System within the first two weeks of their start date.
  • The NeoEd system streamlines the hiring process for students and supervisors.
    • Where to find NeoEd HR System: Log in to the mySXU portal and select Student Applications under Helpful Links. Scroll down and select NeoEd HR System.
  • All student workers are required to submit Federal and State W-4 forms as well as an I-9 Form accompanied by supporting identification documents via NeoEd within three days after hire.
    • Failure to submit required forms and documents may result in termination of employment.
  • Returning students will not need to complete payroll or I-9 related on-boarding tasks.
  • Returning students will need to complete the training modules they have been assigned. Each training module should not take more than 15 minutes.
  • The training process can be a rewarding experience for student workers. Students play a key role in their future employment success and should therefore make every effort to develop characteristics of good judgment, dependability, initiative and responsibility.
  • Individual departments will provide supplementary training information to all student workers on specific procedures, expectations, and guidelines for working in their departments.

Student Working Schedule, Time off and break Policy

  • Student workers cannot exceed 10 hours of work per week regardless of how many positions they hold or their total FWS award.
  • Student workers are prohibited from working during their regularly scheduled class times.
  • Exceptions are permitted if an individual class is canceled. Students must provide proof to their supervisor.
  • Students must work with supervisors to outline an agreed-upon schedule (considering the 10-hour working limit) that accommodates classes.
  • Break Policy: Student workers are entitled to breaks of at least 20 minutes no later than five hours after the start of the work period.
  • Student workers must notify supervisors as soon as possible if there is any need for time off.


  • Saint Xavier University adheres to the minimum wage set by the city of Chicago, which is $16.20 (effective July 1, 2024) regardless of job title, seniority, or years of service.
  • Student workers are exempt from paying Social Security and Medicare (FICA) taxes during the academic year, provided the student is employed only part-time.
  • Student workers are paid bi-weekly (once every two weeks on Friday).

Time Entry and Payroll

  • Student workers are compensated on an hourly basis and are responsible for recording and submitting their hours through the mySXU portal.
  • Student workers will be instructed to enter time during the student employment training and onboarding process.
  • Falsifying time entries or stealing times is theft of time and is grounds for immediate termination.
  • Student worker timecards must be approved by a supervisor.
  • Student workers are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit through the mySXU portal.
  • Student workers not using direct deposit must pick up their paychecks at the Office of Human Resources.

For more information regarding time entry and payroll, please contact Payroll.

Student Expectations

  • Student workers must comply with the performance expectations outlined by the department in which they work.
  • When a student fails to perform satisfactorily, they may be removed from their position and be ineligible to participate in future employment opportunities on campus.
  • Students who accept a student worker position on campus must demonstrate responsible behavior in accordance with all guidelines, rules, and regulations of Saint Xavier University, the Student Handbook and the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Students participating in the Saint Xavier University Federal Work Study Program as student workers are bound to the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Dress Code: Presentable clothing is required for all positions on campus. Inappropriate clothing for student workers may include clothing with inappropriate phrases or imagery, pants below the waistline, garments with holes, stains, or excessive wrinkles, hats, flip-flops, off-the-shoulder tops, tank tops, crop tops, halter-tops, and backless and or bare-shoulder sundresses.

Three people in business atire near their project

Service Excellence Standards

Saint Xavier University has identified four Service Excellence standards to guide the work of all employees at the University, especially as they relate to customer service in the workplace.

Be Responsive

Core Value of Hospitality
  • Greet everyone in a friendly and approachable manner.
  • Offer positive encouragement and always be willing to lend assistance if needed.
  • Respond to emails, texts and phone calls in a timely manner, usually within one business day, with a friendly tone.
  • Use appropriate recorded messages when not available and have a secondary contact indicated for urgent matters.
  • Be present when interacting with everyone who seeks you out for assistance or information.
  • Be knowledgeable about existing resources and support systems to share as needed.

Be Collaborative

Core Value of Compassion
  • Communicate openly and honestly and encourage students to be active participants in obtaining their educational goals.
  • Be accountable to self and others by owning mistakes and doing what you can to correct them.
  • Engage in a cooperative spirit by sharing ideas, thoughts, and solutions.
  • Encourage students to share their questions and concerns.
  • Demonstrate willingness to find quality and personalized solutions in partnership with students, advisors, instructors, and other appropriate departments.
  • Show compassion to those who make mistakes and are actively working towards correcting them.

Be Effective

Core Value of Excellence
  • Strive for excellence in all of your interactions with others.
  • Complete tasks efficiently and in a timely manner and provide appropriate follow-up.
  • Seek continuous improvement by taking advantage of ongoing training and professional development.
  • Be proactive by checking back with those who have sought your assistance and expertise.

Be Respectful

Core Value of Respect
  • Treat each person you interact with as a VIP (Very Important Person).
  • Work to remove barriers that keep others from achieving their goals.
  • Be an active, attentive, sympathetic listener.
  • Demonstrate empathy as you work to resolve issues.
  • Be respectful of every person's identity and culture.

Be Inclusive

All Core Values

  • Be appreciative and respectful of diverse identities.
  • Be accessible, equitable and inviting.
  • Be culturally aware, compassionate and sensitive to those we serve.
  • Be intentionally aware of barriers, biases and micro-aggressions that can inhibit equitable service outcomes.

Academic Year Employment

  • Academic year employment starts on August 26 and extends through May 10.
  • Academic year student employment is federally funded through the FWS Program, which means employees are exempt from paying Social Security and Medicare (FICA) because Federal Work Study is not considered taxable income.
  • As in years past, all fall job postings will become active after the last Via date, which is usually mid-August.
  • Returning students must reapply for fall positions through the SXU Employment Opportunities website.

SUmmer Employment

  • Summer employment starts on May 11 and extends through August 24.
  • Summer student employment is intuitionally funded, which means paychecks are considered taxable income. Students may not use FWS award during summer employment. However, FWS is still a requirement to work in the upcoming fall semester.
  • Returning student workers must reapply for summer positions through the SXU Employment Opportunities website.
  • Summer employment is available to students registered for the upcoming fall semester with the exception of incoming freshman.
  • May graduates are eligible for summer student employment through June 30.

Resignation and Termination

  • Student workers must provide supervisors with one (1) week written notice of a separation of employment in writing.
  • At-Will Employment:
    • All student worker positions are at-will, meaning that either the student or the employer may terminate the employment relationship at any time and for any reason, as long as it is not prohibited by law.
  • Grounds for Termination:
    • While student workers are at-will, certain behaviors may immediately warrant termination of employment. Any unlawful behavior or conduct in direct violation of the Saint Xavier University Code of Student Conduct, such as theft, falsification of hours, dishonesty, or other serious infractions, will be grounds for immediate termination, but only if the behavior can be proven to be true through an appropriate investigation and verification process. Code of Student Conduct | Saint Xavier University

Laws and Regulations

  • Saint Xavier University is an Equal Opportunity Employer that makes all decisions regarding recruitment, hiring, promotions and all other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status or other factors protected by law.
  • Student employees are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits and are ineligible for employer-sponsored health insurance coverage.
  • Student workers are covered under the Illinois Workers' Compensation program. SXU's Office of Human Resources administers and coordinates claim reporting and employee counseling for these programs.


Student employment handbook

Students and supervisors should review the Student Employment Handbook which outlines student expectations, payroll and regulations as well as information about student employment training and performance evaluations.

Student Employment Handbook cover with the Mercy street sign on campus

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